stut-it Martin Stut - Information Technology Tailored to You
By Martin Stut, 2011-11-09
A few days ago, I had to plan a real world project (arranging a new bank account for a small local church). The number of steps (16 tasks, 24 links) is high enough, that a dependency aware tool is helpful. So I searched the Android Market for a project management app that could handle dependencies and display them in a Gantt-diagram.
I ended up trying Projektplan Free (home page:, German language only). It took a while until I understood the modal user interface, but then it became really useable, so I could enter the tasks and dependencies as fast as I could plan them. By carefully adjusting the times needed (taking "banks are closed during nights and weekends" into account), I even got a rough estimate of the duration of the project.
Projektplan Free is missing some features that may be important to business users: resources and calendars. The display screens are there, but I found no way to add data.
It displays ads, but only on the list of all projects, not on the gantt-list of tasks within a project. That's a place where I can tolerate them.
Summary: Projektplan Free is good for visualizing dependencies in small projects, but not good enough for professional use. Pros need Desktop tools like GanttProject or OpenProj - or web tools like Gantter.